Thursday, November 4, 2010

Self Evaluation

After watching the video of my demonstration speech it is easy to see what I did well, but also and more important, the things I could of improved on and didn’t do so well.  I thought my overall presentation went well, but I feel like there were a lot of things I could’ve did better.  While it’s easy to look back at my speech and critique it, I also realize that at the time I was very nervous and that was easy to see. 
I will start off by saying some things that I thought I did well during my speech.  The first thing that I thought I did well was preparing for my speech.  I had note cards made and I had practiced my speech several times.  I thought I dressed well for the presentation, wearing appropriate clothes for my speech topic.  The second thing I thought I did well in my speech is that I made good eye contact with the audience.  Even though I used note cards at times I maintained eye contact with the audience for the majority of my speech.  The final thing I did well in the speech is I thought I had clear steps that were easy to understand while I was showing how to tie a tie.
So while I thought I did pretty well overall, there are three main things I think I can improve on.  I felt like I got off topic a couple of times and rambled on about stuff that wasn’t important to the speech.  This not only was boring to the audience, it also made my speech go way over the five minute mark.  I also thought that I repeated a lot of the same information and at times had a loss of words.  This was most likely because I was nervous, but could have been prevented if I would’ve practiced my speech in front of other people.  The third thing I feel I could have done better is to have made a catchy and easy phrase to help learn how to tie a tie. 
While it is easy to look back at my speech and judge it, I feel like I did pretty well on it.  There are defiantly things I can fix and grow on for next time, but also try to keep the good things I did. 

My speech video

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